Conduct Inside Classroom

1. At the first bell for forenoon session of the classes all must move towards the place of assembly and remain at the allotted place in order and silence. Each session begins and ends with a common prayer for the whole school. A devout posture is expected from everyone during prayer.
2. In the classroom, place is allotted to each pupil by the class teacher and no one may change it by himself. Likewise no one may move from place to place or go out of the classroom without proper permission.
3. When teachers or persons to whom respect is due, enter the class or leave the class, the pupils are required to stand up spontaneously and greet them respectfully.
4. Silence is very conducive to quiet reections and study both for oneself and others. Hence, if anyone wants to discuss matters of study, the permission of the supervising teacher is necessary.
5. Loud clapping of hands or yelling or using bad words or any disturbance to other classes is never permitted. For any loud response or recitation etc., that is created to cause disturbance to􀀁other classes, pupils will be taken outdoors.
6. No presentations of gifts either by pupils or parents to teachers, or any demonstrations of any sort towards the teachers be done without the permission of the principal.
7. It is not advisable for students to bring money or valuable articles to the school.
8. Regularity in home work is very important.

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